Friday, February 22, 2013

Dr. OZ Recommends DIM

If you read my blog you will know that I am a big fan of DIM for balancing my hormones and decreasing the estrogen in my body, which is the root cause of fibroids.  One of the ladies who started taking DIM as a result of reading the blog sent me this Dr. OZ clip.  It's a good testimony of the wonderful benefits of DIM, and why it has been such a great hit with the women who read my blog.

Here is the link to the Dr. Oz segment on DIM

Keep Reading more of my post on fibroids click on this link, see other posts on the right side of this page.  Knowledge is powerful.

I order my DIM online because it's cheaper than buying it in a health food store.  Here is the link where you can save $10 on your order and get free shipping if you want to start using DIM and any of the other supplements I use. I posted pics on this blog and the name of the supplements I take.   Dim (4 per day) , Green Tea (1 per day), Vitamins 2 Per day,  and drink Mangosteen Juice.

Take Care,



Thursday, January 24, 2013

Take DIM To Shrink Fibroids and BONUS Lower Blood Pressure

If you read my entire blog then you know I'm a big fan of taking DIM to shrink fibroids.  I take 4 DIM pills everyday and it has been such an important factor in shrinking my fibroids.  I have discovered that a bonus of taking DIM is that it also helps reduce high blood pressure if you have it.  I never knew about this before because I was taking the DIM just for my fibroids.  I don't have high blood pressure so I never was looking for a solution for lowering my blood pressure naturally . But I've had dozens of women who read this blog, and started taking DIM, and then wrote to me and told me that they also were also able to stop taking their prescription blood pressure medication.   So I decided to do a little more research on this so that I could understand it more.  It's also worth me noting that it also emphasizes why when using any natural supplements you have to listen to your body, pay close attention to all changes with your body, how you're feeling and still work with your medical doctor.   DIM contains a lot of natural nutrients like potassium, vitamin e, fiber, vitamin a and antioxidants, and all those help lower blood pressure naturally.  So if you start taking DIM to balance your hormones, reduce bad estrogen or help shrink your fibroids, and you're also on high blood pressure medicine then pay close attention to your body.  Most of women that wrote to me said that after taking DIM for about a week their high blood pressure decreased naturally, so that made their prescription blood pressure medicine too strong and too potent.  If your blood pressure drops too low it can cause dizziness.  So what they discovered was that by taking the DIM they no longer needed to take the prescription medicine to keep their blood pressure lowered.  So with DIM it can help shrink fibroids but also help lower your blood pressure naturally.  That's great!

When I first started taking Dim for fibroids it was because I read about how it could help reduce my fibroid tumors.  Officially DIM is an abbreviation for Diindolylmethane (DIM).  DIM is a natural phytonutrient found in cruciferous vegatables like broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and kale.  So when I take 4 DIM  it's equivalent to me eating 4 lbs of broccoli, kale etc everyday.  Plus when I eat my green vegetables at dinner time then I get even more natural DIM in my body.  So you ask what's so great about getting that many servings of green vegetables that it shrinks fibroids. First of all I could never eat 4 lbs of green leafy vegetable a day just by adjusting my diet.   Plus one of the powerful effects of getting all that DIM found in cruciferous vegetables is that it has the amazing ability to balance hormones and metabolize estrogen.  If you have fibroids then getting rid of, or metabolizing estrogen is very very important.  The reason the fibroids exist in the first place is because you have too much bad estrogen in your body.  So anything and everything you can do to reduce the bad estrogen in your body will help shrink your fibroids.   In my earlier blogs I talk about estrogen dominance and how it causes fibroids and what 4 steps I did to shrink my fibroids.  If you haven't read my earlier blogs then you should do so.

DIM is not only good to reduce estrogen for women, but it is also good for reducing bad estrogen in men.  Just like too much bad estrogen in the body has been linked to women forming tumors and to getting breast cancer, ovarian cancer etc, too much bad estrogen has also been linked through many studies to cause prostate cancer in men.   When men get older their testosterone levels drops which creates as hormonal imbalance for them too of more estrogen compared to testosterone.  That imbalance is what has been linked to raising PSA levels, and that increases prostate cancer risks.  So some of you ladies might want to have your man take the 2 DIM per day as well.  Although estrogen is typically higher in women, men are now facing more estrogen related health complications because of all the estrogen that they are introducing to their bodies through the meat they eat, the estrogen mimics found in the environment, and the products we use.

Keep Reading more of my post on fibroids click on this link, see other posts on the right side of this page.  Knowledge is powerful.

I order my DIM online because it's cheaper than buying it in a health food store.  Here is the link where you can save $10 on your order and get free shipping if you want to start using DIM and any of the other supplements I use. I posted pics on this blog and the name of the supplements I take.   Dim (4 per day) , Green Tea (1 per day), Vitamins 2 Per day,  and drink Mangosteen Juice.

Take Care,