Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Besides Your Fibroids What Other Symptoms Do You Have That's Related To Estrogen Dominance

This blog is my story of how I finally shrank my fibroids.  But first I had to educate myself and really learn the root cause of my fibroids.  I had two different myomectomies before I finally figured out that the fibroids were not the root cause of my health issues.  Fibroids were just one of the symptoms.

Check out these symptoms.  When I first learned of this I had 12 of them. Including one of the most alarming ones of cyst in beasts as a precursor to possible breast cancer.  So  If you have many of these then the root cause of your fibroids is probably estrogen dominance.  That means you can't just have surgery to get rid of the problem.  You have to address the real problem, and that is that your body has excess estrogen.

Premenstrual breast tenderness Irregular menstruation Uterine fibroid tumors
Premenstrual mood swings Weight gain Endometriosis
Premenstrual fluid retention, weight gain Hair loss Fibrocystic breasts
Premenstrual headaches Depression Polycystic ovary syndrome
Menstrual cramps Fatigue Breast tumors

Thyroid dysfunction Infertility

Adrenal gland fatigue Thickened uterine lining

Headaches, migraines Accelerated aging

Severe menstrual cramps Miscarriage

Heavy periods with clotting Anxiety and panic attacks

Joint and muscle pain Autoimmune disorders

Decreased libido Fibromyalgia

Insomnia and restless sleep

Dry eyes

Throughout this blog I explain how I shrunk my fibroids and also eliminated many of the other symptoms.  Best of all my all the cysts in my breasts are gone too!  These are the three things I had to do: 

1.  Decreased the amount of estrogen I added to my  body through the foods I ate.
2.  Strengthened my liver so that it could work properly to metabolize the estrogen in my body and so the estrogen doesn't flow freely through my body creating all this havoc.
3.  Balanced  my estrogen and hormonal levels.

I hope you read the entire blog.  But if you get tired of reading this entire blog then I urge you to at least read my blog post titled "what I have learned and done to shrink my fibroids.  I wrote it on June 2nd.  Scroll down to see it.

I'm on a mission to help as many people as I can to stop living with this horrible illness.  It is absolutely debilitating at times.  I lived with it for years, and now I am much better.  Feel free to write me with any of your questions and I will be happy to respond.

I pray that this blog helps to heal others.  Pass it along.

Keep Reading more of my post on fibroids click on this link, see other posts on the right side of this page.  Knowledge is powerful.

Take Care,



Sunday, October 16, 2011

Breast Cancer Awareness Month - What's the link between breast cancer and fibroids

In honor of breast cancer awareness month, I thought I'd reiterate to everyone reading this blog how important it is to treat the real cause of fibroids, and not just treat the symptoms. I am constantly sharing with everyone my journey of treating and shrinking my fibroids and what I have learned about the root cause.  The root cause, which is excess estrogen, is the same issue that increases your risk of developing breast cancer as well.  That is why I urge anyone with fibroids to do something now, and don't just only have the surgery to remove the fibroids.  Having the surgery to remove fibroids is not enough, you have to eliminate the root cause, which is the estrogen dominance.  I found out as I shrunk my own fibroids that it's not as hard as you think.  You just have to be dedicated to doing it, taking the right supplements, and sticking to it.  In this day when everyone is used to instant gratification and taking a pill to get results in 20 mins we have lost our patience with more natural healing methods that take longer.  With the regimen that I used to shrink my fibroids you don't see improvements overnight.  It takes one month to see the first improvement then 3 months to see very large improvements.  I know three months can seem like a long time, but trust me it is well worth it to have a long lasting solution to keep you in good health forever.  What's 3 months when it can help you reduce your risk of developing other illnesses caused by your estrogen dominance, including breast cancer.  Love yourself enough to do something today. Don't delay.

Here is the regimen I used to shrink my fibroids.  Keep reading in my earlier blogs too because I explain why all these different things I do work, and what my experience has been, and the medical research.

1.  I take Dim ( 2 pills per day) to help my body metabolize estrogen so that it doesn't get stuck in my body.  But you can take up to 4 depending on your condition.

2.  I drink 2 oz of Xango juice everyday to continuously detox and strengthen my liver and keep my digestive system operating efficiently to remove waste and toxins from body.  This is very important.

3.  I control my diet to make sure I don't over indulge in foods that have lots of estrogen in them.  I stay aware that sugar, caffeine and meats with hormones all increase my estrogen levels, so although I still eat all of them I do try to give my body a rest sometimes, and I especially cut back around my cycle when my estrogen hormonal levels are more likely to increase naturally.  Any small diet change with estrogen foods will help you.  Just do something.

4.  I take a whole food multivitamin everyday.  The whole foods also helps my body control the estrogen levels in my body and improves my overall health.  It's a whole food vitamin that I take,  not those synthetic vitamins.  A big difference!

5.  I take a green tea decaf extract pill each day.

Overall this program is very easy for me to do each day.  It is sustainable, and I was able to reduce my fibroids and maintain the shrinkage.  Staying healthy without fibroids does cost money each month but it is worth it.  Plus I saved so much money because now I don't have to pay for all those other things I was doing to deal with the effects of estrogen dominance.  No more acne medicine, expensive dermatalogist appts, no more advil for the menstrual cramps, no more products for hair because estrogen dominance was killing my hair, no my eye drops because of dry eyes, cut down on tampons, pads etc, because I'm not bleeding so much ( has anyone notice how much tampons are nowdays?  How much does your period cost you now?  a box of tampons is like $8..crazy).

Here is what my regimen cost me.

Dim - $10 per month
Decaf Green Tea Extract - $7 per month
Xango Juice - $70 per month ( If you  want to order this email me at and I'll tell you how to get this discount price)
Whole food vitamin - $8 per month

See the links to the right of this blog on where I order all these products online from different companies.

The only item that is really expensive is the Xango juice.  I stick with it because it is the best I have ever found.  Besides helping to detox my body, it has improved my immune system and digestive system tremendously.  Having a healthy strong liver and a clean gut and digestive track is very important to metabolize and rid your body of the estrogen and other toxins.   I haven't been sick once since I've been drinking it regularly for the last 20 months.

Good luck to you.  Please don't stay stuck in decision mode.  Do something.  So many women are so afraid that they stay stuck, but that will only make it worse.  I urge you to do something now.  This problem will not take care of itself so you have to do something.  I wish I had found this solution earlier it could have saved me years of suffering with fibroids.  But now research is so much and information is so much more readily available to ordinary citizens like us without having to rely upon doctors for all our information.  Unfortunately traditional medical doctors will always want to just cut on you and give a prescription.  Even if you and your doctor decide to have surgery you will still need to do something to stop the ongoing estrogen problem, or your fibroids will just grow back.

If you think I'm not right about the link between estrogen dominance, fibroids and breast cancer, infertility and a bunch of other issues then please do your own independent research.  Google it.  There are lots of medical reports out there.  See my earlier blog where I list all the potential problems stemming from estrogen dominance.

If you start the regimen please write me and let me know.  I like to check in within and see how you're doing after a few months.

I pray that this blog helps to heal others.  Pass it along.

Keep Reading more of my post on fibroids click on this link, see other posts on the right side of this page.  Knowledge is powerful.

Take Care,



Friday, August 12, 2011

Fibroids - hormonal imbalance and thryroid dysfunction.

Today I had a reader of my blog ask me if I had hormonal imbalance testing or thyroid tests done prior to shrinking my fibroids with the regimen I talk about in the blog.  Here is my answer.  Hopefully it helps others as well.

I never had my thyroid tested, but I suspect I did have a problem prior to healing myself.  I did have some classic symptoms such as excessive hair shedding, dry hair and dry eyes.  I always just kept buying  better moisturizing shampoos and conditioners, using less heat on my hair, not knowing at the time what was the real underlying root cause of the problem.  I also just thought the dry eyes were due to pollution in the air (I live in Los Angeles and we know our air quality isn't the best), and looking at the computer screen to much (At least that's what the eye doctor said).    I just wanted to fix it so I bought more expensive shampoos that I thought would help.  I also just bought eye drops from the drug store.  Neither really worked well so I just lived with it.

Prior to doing my healing regimen I did have hormonal imbalance issues, especially around my cycle time. I also always had an iron deficiency as that was tested and confirmed by my doctor. In fact when I had my first myomectomy surgery years 10 years ago I couldn't even store my own blood to use in case of an emergency during surgery.   The folks at the blood clinic said if I needed blood then mine was good enough to put back in my body, it was too iron deficient.  That was a bummer.  My doctor just wanted me to take prescription iron supplements to combat the problem.  But once again looking back that was just another cover up to the real problem.   They said the iron deficiency was due to my fibroids and the heavy bleeding.    My hormonal imbalance and iron deficiency was especially evident for the weeks surrounding my cycle.   Hormonal imbalance was evident in my mood swings by being extremely sensitive and emotional,  often times easily irritated or angered,  and hormonal caused acne.  Iron deficiency caused me to be really tired a lot.   For my acne I was constantly buying acne medicines and going to dermatologist, getting facials and topical medicines including Retin A to keep my acne under control. It worked somewhat, but it was expensive and once again it didn't solve the underlying real problem.

Before I discovered this regimen I had already realized that I had a vitamin B deficiency  and possible other vitamin deficiencies.  Of course I considered that I needed to make diet changes, eat more vegetables, drink more water, cut back on sugars.   That helped somewhat but not nearly enough.  Unfortunately, after doing all of these things my fibroids were still growing.  My doctor now wanted me to consider having another procedure, Uterine Fibroid Embolization.  I was devastated.   I thought, not again.  I had already had 2 myomectomies over the years.   That's when I became determined to find a better long term solution for my problem.

I studied and did research online.   I discovered the xango juice through a friend who said it had been used for centuries in Asia to help heal people from lot of different illnesses, detoxification etc.  It sounded far fetched at the time, all the miracle stories and everything, but I tried it anyway.  I liked it a lot and in the first 2 weeks of drinking it, my energy level rose dramatically.  I then coupled it with the eleviv supplement and right away within the 1st month I started seeing improvement.  After 4 months I went back to my doctor and he was amazed that my fibroids had shrunk so much  by then and the cyst in my breast were gone as well.  I told my doctor what I did and he said that since I was having success that I should continue and that he no longer recommended the UFE surgery.  Also before I was having to get mammograms every 6 months to monitor the cysts in my breast.  Later he said because of the maintained improvement I could start coming just once a year for the mammogram.    I was elated. 

On that same day he also told me that recently there was a medical study where Green Tea was being reported as helping to shrink fibroids.  I went home and looked it up on the internet and read about the study.  That's when another AHA moment happened to me.  That's when I realized that one of the reasons the Eleviv supplement was working for me was because one of its main active ingredients was Green Tea, just like my doctor had mentioned.   That was further confirmation that I was on the right track and this wasn't just some fluke cure.   For that reason I added the Green Tea supplement, in the extract form with a higher dosage form.  I was amazed at how my body was still just betting better and better. It didn't just stop at the fibroids shrinking,  that had already happened.  By now, 5-6 months into it I was feeling great. The juice had fully detoxed my liver by now.    My hair was no longer shedding it was growing faster than every, my nails growing like crazy, shrunk fibroids, no more PMS or hormonal issues, no cysts in breasts, improved energy, no more dry eyes. With my detoxed liver my body was free from lots of bacteria and other illnesses causing viruses.   However I did notice I was still having some hormonal acne especially around my period.  I was still having to use the Retin A from the dermatologist.   So I kept studying of why I all this stuff was working for me.  I knew it was working, it was evident.  But I still was curious on how and why.

Then I had another AHA moment when I learned about a very growing a large disease in women and men called "Estrogen Dominance".  As I studied it I couldn't believe that all the things that are caused from having estrogen dominance are things I had.  Before I thought my  fibroids were  THE  disease that caused, my low iron, pms, heavy bleeding etc.  At the time I considered my breast cysts a separate problem.  I thought my acne a separate problem, and my dry hair a separate problem and my dry eyes separate.   The discovery of Estrogen Dominance made me realize that Estrogen dominance was more of THE root cause and all these other things, fibroids, cyst, hair, pms, acne etc were just symptoms.  Estrogen dominance not only creates fibroids, it creates cysts in breast, and it creates all the vitamin deficiencies that can lead to other diseases and more serious illnesses including cancer.   So I continued to learn more about Estrogen dominance and what causes it. 

I learned that the causes were a combination of the things and not all of them were easily controllable.  Improve my diet yes of course, but even though I didn't have a really poor diet in the beginning I  did make some improvements  but it didn't fix the problem completely.  All my life I have never been overweight, and I always excercised regularly, walking, riding bike etc.  I knew there were more causes.  I couldn't fully control the environmental causes.  Through my research I then discovered DIM.  DIM is actually derived from broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts that helps metabolize estrogen. After I started taking the DIM I was able to get completely off my facial medications.  No more topical medicines or retin A.  I saved lot of money too.

  So my regimen became a three pronged attack to defeat estrogen dominance.  First, Detox my liver, keep it strong and healthy with the juice.  That also helped me with all other bacteria and/or viruses  in my body.  Now, almost 2 years later I haven't been sick, with any cold or flu, allergy or anything.  Second continue to exercise and eat more veggies, and cut back on sugars and other foods that increase estrogen levels in the body.  I still eat meat and I wanted to do a regimen I could maintain.  So for me cutting out all meat and dairy wasn't a viable long term plan.  I just keep it it as best as possible.     Third I  take supplements like the Green Tea and DIM that give my body an extra boost to metabolize estrogens that enter my body through food the environment etc.  So I work to keep extra, too much estrogen out and then I work to metabolize the extra that gets in anyway.   

If you haven't read my earlier blogs...keep reading for more details of my journey of me discovering and reclaiming my health.

I hope treating Estrogen Dominance will save you from not only fibroids but a host of other things that may going wrong in your body.

I pray that this blog helps to heal others.  Pass it along.

Keep Reading more of my post on fibroids click on this link, see other posts on the right side of this page.  Knowledge is powerful.

Take Care,



Monday, August 8, 2011

I love that so many women are getting healed shrinking their fibroids.

I Just want to say thanks to all of your for the the positive feedback.  I am so happy that so many of you are doing what it takes to shrink your fibroids.  I've had many people write me personally to say they started the regimen I listed on this blog of DIM, Green Tea and the Xango juice and they saw tremendous results in as little as a month. Please tell your friends and share your story.  So many women are embarrassed about their fibroids.  They suffer in silence and even go into isolation during their cycle each month.  Fibroids can be physically and emotionally debilitating.  Many women with fibroids plan their whole social lives around their menstrual cycle because they know it's going to be a painful period.  Even sexual relationships can be affected if the fibroids are causing you pain during intercourse, or even something as simple as your partner laying on your stomach can put pressure on the fibroid and cause you pain.  Also when that fibroid is pushing on your bladder then you feel like you have to go the bathroom all the time.  Estrogen dominance that's causing your fibroids is serious.  Many women don't realize that it's not only the fibroids themselves that can cause infertility, but the excess estrogen in your body.  All that estrogen can negatively effect your ovualation.   So whether you want to have a baby or not you have to get rid of the main problem the estrogen dominance.  If left untreated and allowed to continue uncontrolled in your body then it can cause all sorts of other illnesses, including cancer. 

Please... if you have fibroids read this blog.   If you're reading this blog for the first time I encourage you to read the entire blog.  Especially my first entry where I tell you all about my journey and what I did exactly to shrink my fibroids naturally.  Don't just live with the fibroids  I encourage you to something so you can start living a much better life!

I pray that this blog helps to heal others.  Pass it along.

Keep Reading more of my post on fibroids click on this link, see other posts on the right side of this page.  Knowledge is powerful.

Take Care,



Saturday, June 25, 2011

Getting rid of fibroids will help you in so many other areas.

I' hope reading my blog will help you experience all the same geat relief I'm experiencing once I got rid of my fibroids, and the root cause behind my fibroids growing so large.  I continually add new comments, but please also scroll to Read my original first blog written on June 2  because it gives a complete picture of what I did and continually do to shrink my fibroids.

As I talk about continuously, the root cause is too much estrogen in the body which is feeding the growth of your fibroids. Too much estrogen not only causes fibroids but a whole list of other issues.  That's why I urge women to do something now.  It's like you have a small fire brewing in your body while you let this estrogen run wild in your body.  Odds are if you have fibroids you also have other issues related to too much estrogen.  Check out this list.  Do you have any of these symptoms too?  If so then you probably have estrogen dominance.  That's why you have to do more than just have surgery to remove the fibroids.  You have to decrease the estrogen in your body to get rid of the REAL problem.

Premenstrual breast tenderness Irregular menstruation Uterine fibroid tumors
Premenstrual mood swings Weight gain Endometriosis
Premenstrual fluid retention, weight gain Hair loss Fibrocystic breasts
Premenstrual headaches Depression Polycystic ovary syndrome
Menstrual cramps Fatigue Breast tumors

Thyroid dysfunction Infertility

Adrenal gland fatigue Thickened uterine lining

Headaches, migraines Accelerated aging

Severe menstrual cramps Miscarriage

Heavy periods with clotting Anxiety and panic attacks

Joint and muscle pain Autoimmune disorders

Decreased libido Fibromyalgia

Insomnia and restless sleep

Dry eyes

So as I said in my earlier blogs I added taking Dim (2 pills a day) to maintain my fibroid shrinkage. I want my body to stay in this healthy state now that my fibroids shrank.   I didn't take Dim at first  but I learned a lot about it so I wanted to add it to my regimine.  Plus  I don't like to spend money unnecessarily on expensive products and so I substituted the Dim for the Eleviv.  Dim supplements are much cheaper than the Eleviv I started with.  (See the link on this blog and you can order it online $10 for 30 days of 2 pills per day).

When I had estrogen dominance besides at least 6 of the symptoms above, I also had some acne as well.  All those estrogen hormones especially around my cycle caused acne.  The DIM and green tea extract has worked fantastic on my acne.  I love this.  It is controlling my estrogen level so well that I don't even have breakouts at my cycle time anymore.

For me the DIM and Green tea extract has been a great substitute for the Eleviv.  A cheaper option. I found buying it online is cheaper than going into the actual vitamin shoppe store by my house.   I still drink my Xango juice everyday.  I haven't found anything better, and having a detoxed body everyday has been wonderful.  Once you go through 3 months of being on the juice you won't want to give it up.  Just too many great benefits that improve my everyday feeling of wellness(See the link to buy it as a preferred customer for the discount)

I pray that this blog helps to heal others.  Pass it along.

Keep Reading more of my post on fibroids click on this link, see other posts on the right side of this page.  Knowledge is powerful.

Take Care,



Friday, June 3, 2011

Fibroids and Estrogen

I am just so happy I figured out the connection between fibroids and estrogen.  If you have fiboids then I hope you will read my blog so you can stop suffering.   Estrogen dominance can not only cause fibroids but it also the cause of a lot of other illnesses.  I hope reading my story helps other women.

I pray that this blog helps to heal others.  Pass it along.

Keep Reading more of my post on fibroids click on this link, see other posts on the right side of this page.  Knowledge is powerful.

Take Care,



Thursday, June 2, 2011

What I have learned and done to shrink my fibroids.

If you have fibroids then I really urge you to continue reading.  I hope sharing my story will help you as well.  Educating yourself on how and why your fibroids are growing out of control will be one of the best things you can do for yourself.   It's not hard for you to educate yourself.  I'm not a doctor or anything and I was able to do it on my own and shrink my fibroids without any surgery.   It's the first step towards getting your body back to being healthy. In fact I wish I had done it earlier in my life.

When I first got fibroids  I had a myomectomy to remove them.  But they grew back and I was devastated.  So I had another surgery.  Then they grew back again.  I couldn't believe it.  That's when I decided I had to do something different because I  couldn't just keeping having surgeries.  I had to figure out what was causing this in my body and how could I stop it.   Well I did it!   I figured it out and I shrank my fibroids in 3 months.  I realized that surgery, whether its a myomectomy surgery or the newer procedure UFE, just removes the fibroids or kills the existing fibroids in your body.  Surgery does not stop the real problem that is making your body grow large fibroids.   Surgery does not take care of the real source that's causing the fibroids to grow and that's why you need to do something else besides or along with surgery to come to complete healing. 

This is what I have learned.  Fibroids grow because there is too much bad estrogen in your body.  Estrogen feeds fibroids and they grow bigger and bigger.  Once you take the steps to stop the excessive amounts of bad estrogen flowing through your body then your fibroids will starve and then they will start to shrink and die.  Having too much estrogen in your body can be very harmful because not only can it produce fibroids but studies show that too much estrogen is also what feeds lots of cancers such as breast cancer, ovarian cysts and other diseases.  That's why you have to fix this problem in your body. You have to do something right away and stop living with this problem.  Fibroids can just be the tip of the iceberg if you don't do something to stop the real problem of  too much bad estrogen.    Fibroids are just benign tumors (non-cancerous).  But when that same excessive amount of  estrogen flows through your body starts to produce other tumors elsewhere in your body then those tumors can start off benign, but then turn cancerous.  Do your research and you will see all sorts of other diseases that are linked to having to much bad estrogen in your body.  It's called Estrogen Dominance.

I not only had uterine fibroids but I had lots of small cysts(tumors) inside my breasts.   They cysts in breasts were not cancerous but I always kept an eye on them with a mammogram and ultrasound.  Before I educated myself I never knew the cause of the cysts in my breasts were related to cause of my uterine fibroids.  Excessive estrogen caused both, so once I started to control the estrogen in body them  my fibrods shrank and the cysts in my breast went away completely.  I've had mammograms and ultrasounds of both my uterous and breast to confirm the shrinkage.  This was a huge accomplishment because now my risk of developing other cancers and other diseases and illnesses has been seriously reduced.

When you have too much estrogen you may already have other problems going on in your body that you don't even realize is related to having too much estrogen.  So once you fix the estrogen problem you'll see other improvements in your body.  I've already mentioned that too much estrogen can cause other cysts or tumors in the body.  Also it causes things like PMS, hair loss, acne, infertility, dry eyes, hormonal imbalance, weight gain, thryroid dysfunction and other things.  Do some research and you will see that Estrogen Dominance is serious and fibroids may not be the only thing going wrong in your body.

So I know you're wondering what I've done to decrease having too much bad estrogen flow through my body..  Well first let me say that I discovered that estrogen enters your body through a lot of different ways.  This is why this problem affects so many people.  Estrogen comes from not only from the foods we eat, but even simply through the environment and everyday products we use.  Our liver is the organ that metabolizes all the estrogen in our bodies.  The liver is really fantastic when its working correctly and at optimal levels.  The liver protects our bodies from a lot of harmful contaminants in our bodies.

When your body has too much estrogen and other contaminants  then your liver is overloaded.  Your liver is just overworked and so lots of that estrogen and other contaminants just stay in your body causing you all sorts of illnesses that you have and probably didn't even know were related to an overloaded, overworked liver. Besides not metabolizing estrogen correctly, an overworked, overloaded liver can also prevent your body from fighting off bacterial and virus infections.  So as a result of a weakened liver you may find yourself getting sick more often, and having other illnesses like out of control allergies, constant sinus infections and other virus and bacterial related illnesses where doctors have probably been prescribing you antibiotics.

So to shrink your fibroids you will need to do three things.  First strengthen your liver.  That means detoxing your body from other contaminants so that you give your liver some help.  Stop making it work so hard on it's own.  Then your liver will strengthen and regenerate itself stronger.  Once your liver is strengthened then it will be able to work better and get rid of the bad estrogen in your body correctly.  Then you won't have a build up of estrogen in your body causing the fibroids and other related illnesses and diseases.  Right now your liver is probably completely overloaded.  Now when I say detox your liver I mean this has to be ongoing and everyday.  So  I don't mean those crazy 7 day detox diets or other short term fixes.  Those things are temporary.  You need something you do permanently to keep your body in constant state of good health.  Sure those short 10 day detox programs will detox you in the short term , but as soon as you stop it will just build back up again.  You have to do something sustainable everyday.  You have to do something that you can maintain everyday.

I used Xango juice.  It's simple, easy, and taste good.  It's an all natural juice that is derived from a natural mangosteen fruit that has been used for centuries to cleanse the body of toxins.  For the first 3 months I drank 2 oz three times a day to completely  detox my body.  Now I just drink 1 oz 3 times a day to maintain my healthy state and a strong liver.  You'll see lots of other improvements once you do this.   By detoxing my body continuously everyday and strengthening my liver to work more effectively all sorts of things have improved.  My body is no longer a breeding ground for other illnesses.  If you want to use Xango juice then see the link on this page and you can order it at a discount or email me..  It's not cheap, but well worth it.  Because of all its benefits I stopped spending less  money on all the other things I was doing to counteract my health issues because of the  excess estrogen.  Like acne medicine, tylenol for fibroid pain, facials for acne, tons of tampons, no more cold medicines because I  haven't been sick in 2 years.  I could go on and on.  The money is worth it since I got rid of all that bad stuff.

Second thing I did is to decrease the amount estrogen in my body.  Detoxing your liver will help metabolize the estrogen that gets into your body. It will also make your liver strong.  That 's what I used the Xango juice for.  But you also want to control how much estrogen you allow to come into your body.  I did this several ways.  For starters take a look at your diet.  If you eat or drink too many things that cause estrogren levels to increase then you need to cut back some.  Estrogen causing foods are things like dairy products with hormones in it, meat with hormones in it, caffeine, sugars.   I just cut back on these things and I didn't eliminate these things completely, but you should be aware that they cause your estrogen levels to rise.  So be careful and eliminate as much as you can to give your body some relief, especially if your diet is really poor right now.   Any amount of cut back is better than what you're doing now, no matter how small a change will help you. By putting less estrogen in your body then it will help get rid of it faster and keep your estrogen levels at a safe level.  Also try to get more fiber in your diet it will help, and nowdays there are so many easy ways to do this.

Thirdly, I used a natural dietary supplement that also helps control the amount of estrogen in my body.  Watching what you eat is a good step, but I also needed a dietary supplement.  Supplements helped a lot for what I was missing in my diet.  Face it, hardly any of us get enough vegetables.    Green tea is a supplement that has been proven to be very effective by researchers to reduce fibroids because of the positive effect it has on estrogen in your body.  To get the right amount I skipped drinking a bunch of green tea everyday and so I just use a pill supplement.   I realized I could get better effects with a pill.  I use a mega green tea extract.    Decaffeinated!!  that 's important. NO caffeine.   It has 98% polyphenols and that's the ingredient that has been proven to help shrink fibroids.  See the link on this page of the one I use.   By the way green tea also helps increase your metabolism which can help you shed a few pounds if you need to.    Another supplement is DIM.  I really urge you to get this.  It's that good!  It also helps in the metabolism of estrogen.  You can get this at a vitamin store too.  This supplement is great.  DIM is the supplement that's in certain vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale.  It also got rid  of all my hormonal acne that used to pop up around my cycle time and in between as well.   Taking it in pill form helps me get all those benefits that help control the estrogen in my body.   See the one I use in the link.  Another supplement that worked for me is Eleviv.  It's a product made by the same company that makes the Xango juice.  The eleviv has green tea in it with some other stuff that helps control your hormonal balance and control that estrogen.     Eleviv is what I started with at first.  It's not cheap so once my fibroids shrank, then to cut my cost I switched to the green tea extract and DIM supplement pills to maintain the shrinkage and not let the fibroids grow back.  I also like the DIM much better.   See the link above for how to order this supplement or email me.  Like I said the Eleviv is not cheap, but  the DIM and Green together is cheaper and I've been able to maintain my shrinkage. I take 4 dim per day.  2 in AM and 2 at Dinner.

So that's my story!  When I combined the Xango juice to detox each day, boost my liver function and rid my body of toxins and then I combined it with a dietary supplement to control the estrogen and also cut back somewhat on some estrogen causing foods, then my fibroids shrank in 3 months.  Also the cysts in my breast were completely gone within 3 months.  No more heavy bleeding, cramping, pms, acne, anemia , or low iron.   This is ongoing.  You'll see results within the first 2 weeks then improvement every week.  Your fibroids will shrink more and more each month and your menstrual cycles will get better and better each month.  Your life will improve and your energy levels will rise as your body is restored   Whatever you do, be prepared to do it consistently, maybe a lifetime.  If you start this and  then stop then most likely within months your body will fall back into an unhealthy state again and all your bad illnesses, fibroids etc will just come back over time.  Consistency is the key!

If you found this information helpful then please help spread the word and pass this blog along to other women.

Good Luck!

Keep Reading more of my post on fibroids click on this link, see other posts on the right side of this page.  Knowledge is powerful.

I order my DIM online because it's cheaper than buying it in a health food store.  On this blog is the link where you can save $10 on your order and get free shipping if you want to start using DIM and any of the other supplements I use. I posted pics on this blog and the name of the supplements I take.   Dim (4 per day) , Green Tea (1 per day), Vitamins 2 Per day,  and drink Mangosteen Juice.

UPDATE:  I recently switched from Xango Mangosteen to Genesis Mangosteen.  There are a lot of junk juices out there, so it took me awhile to find a quality one that's on the same or better quality level as Xango, but at a cheaper price.  Here is the name/link of the one I use now.

This juice has all the important factors.  It's 100% mangosteen, not mixed with other juices.  PLUS it has the WHOLE fruit in it, including the outter Rind which is where the best nutrients are.  Many of the mangosteen juices on the market sacrifice quality and cheapen the juice by adding water, other fruit juices and they don't use the rind which is the MOST beneficial part.  The juice costs $32 for 32 oz.  I drink 1-2 oz per day, so one bottle will last about a month, so I buy 2 bottles ($64) at a time to last almost 2 months.  The xango juice is much more expensive it cost $120+ $25(Shipping) =$145 to last the same time.  So I was happy to finally find this brand of mangosteen juice because I save a lot of money without sacrificing quality.

Take Care,
